Event Chur

850 years of Waldensians

850 Jahre Waldenser (gdl_851380381_image)
850 Jahre Waldenser (gdl_655245909_image)
Opening on 4.2., with Gustavo Alàbiso, Regulakirche
Film and Talk with Gustavo Alàbiso and Ruth-Nunzia Preisig, 5.2., Kulturpunkt
Waldensian presentation with Fadri Ratti, 6.2., Regulakirche
7 p.m.


06.02.2025 to 21.02.2025 from 11:00 to 18:00 o'clock
on Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Regula Church

850 years of Waldensians

The Reformed Church of Chur, in cooperation with the regional church office for migration and worldwide church, pays tribute to the activities of the Waldensians, which were founded in 1174 in southern France (Lyon). The Waldensian religious community experienced persecution and flight for centuries because of alleged heresy. In 1560, the Waldensians joined Protestantism and adopted the Confessio Gallicana (1559), and in 1848 they received civil rights and have been equal to everyone ever since.

Today, the Waldensian Church is spread throughout Italy and in some countries of South America. In Italy, the community currently has around 40,000 members. The Protestant Church Aid Association of the Grisons is responsible for caring for the Waldensians in Valtellina, which once belonged to Graubünden. In February, the photo exhibition "Immagina Riesi" by Gustavo Alàbiso will be held in Chur's St. Regula Church. Alàbiso developed this exhibition as part of the 850th anniversary of the Waldensians (1174–2024).

The exhibition refers to the spirit of optimism of the sixties. The portraits and texts also document the social and political tensions that shaped the mining town of Riesi at the time. The Servizio Cristiano still exists and the Diakonie of the Waldensian Church is currently financially supported by far more Italians than the church has members.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025, 7 p.m., Regulakirche
Opening of the exhibition "Immagina Riesi – Protestant in Sicily", prepared by Gustavo Alàbiso, who grew up in Sicily as the child of Waldensian deacons in the "Servizio Cristiano". He now lives as a photographer in Karlsruhe. His exhibition is an impressive testimony to the life of the Waldensians in Sicily in the 20th century. Followed by discussion and aperitif.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025, 7 p.m., Kulturpunkt
Film "Una Storia Valdese" and talk on the topic of "Protestant living" in Sicily, and on the future of the social project "Servizio Cristiano" in Riesi (Sicily) with Gustavo Alàbiso and Ruth-Nunzia Preisig. Followed by a Sicilian aperitif

Thursday, February 6, 2025, 7 p.m., Regulakirche
"Evangelical Identity" of the Waldensians, with Pastor Fadri Ratti, Felsberg, who talks about his student days in Rome and the life of the Waldensian Church in Italy (with slide show), moderated by Prof. Dr. Jan-Andrea Bernhard. Followed by an aperitif


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