Event Chur
Visual Creation Workshop

A day of getting to know each other, trying out and experimenting
Visual creation
Costume Design, Decor, Performance
A visually playful day! The freedom to put together your own looks, to try out how and who we would like to be without the social limitations. Costumes in large quantities. A matching décor, which we create from used everyday objects, and then... a mini introduction to Moni Wespi's Slow Performance Art & a group photo shoot as a reminder! Fun, color and new discoveries.
01.02.2025, 10.30 a.m.-5.00 p.m.
Moni Wespi (CH/BE) Choreography, Visual Arts, Design and Scenography
Young Theatre Graubünden
Hohenbühlweg 4, 7000 Chur
30.— per workshop (reduction possible, Kulturlegi)
Payment on site via Twint or cash. No previous knowledge is necessary.
Registration to info@jungestheater.gr with name, phone, year and address
Young Theatre Graubünden
7000 Chur
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