Mittenberg round trip

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Start at the Chur train station and cycle out of the city in eastern direction. Follow the Loestrasse, pass by the hospital and branch off right to the Fürstenwald, a nearby recreational area of Chur. The Fürstenwald (parking area) is a popular meeting place for outdoor athletes with several biking and running trails. Follow the forest road all the way up to the Mittenberg. In the upper part of the ascent you will find a fireplace with fresh spring water.
Up at Mittenberg, you have a wonderful panorama view into the Chur Rhine valley, on the opposite situated house mountain Brambrüesch and the mountains around Lenzerheide and the Bündner Oberland.
The descent route follows a smaller forest trail into direction of Vogelboden - Lürlibad - Lärchenboden - Chur city. Of course you can follow the easy route uf the uphill, as well. And if you prefer some technical trails, you will find some interesting options from the MIttenberg back to Chur.
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