Regional indulgence.
Graubünden specialities

Tasty delicacies from Graubünden such as Nut Tart, Dried Meat, Capuns and Röteli are very popular in Chur. Numerous restaurants and shops offer these regional specialities. Recipes to make yourself or tips for culinary souvenirs can be found here.
Discover local delicacies.
Graubünden for culinary enjoyment

Culinary city tour.
Alpine City appetizers - how delicious!
Do not only discover our beautiful Alpine City but also its culinary specialities! Like the Alpine City chocolate, cake or sushi. And of course the traditional and very tasty liqueur «Churer Röteli». Culture and culinary delights combined – what a treat!

Chur Röteli (cherry liquor)
Chur Röteli is a tradition. Visit the production facility in the middle of Chur's Old Town and learn all kinds of interesting facts about the production and history of the dark red cherry liqueur.